

有时压力似乎无处不在. 事实上,当博天堂官方健康促进办公室 surveyed students this past spring, students reported the top conditions that negatively affected their academic performance in the past year were stress (40%); anxiety (36%); depression (26%); and sleep difficulties (21%). 在同一项调查中,近一半的人 UNC Bears reported experiencing loneliness and feeling left out.

While these numbers tell an important story about the student experience, these data 没有完全解决问题.  


UNC Flourish is a new campaign that invests in improving 学生的幸福, and we 邀请你发挥你的作用. This campaign is rooted in meaningful connections, engagement 和归属感. UNC Flourish is a campaign that reminds us it’s OK to be stressed, 寻求帮助是可以的,而且有可能感觉更好. 博天堂官方蓬勃发展挑战着我们所有人 to take care of ourselves and to take care of one another.    

UNC Flourish is an outcome of UNC’s two-year engagement with the JED Foundation, a 非营利组织 致力于年轻人的心理健康. 每个月,联合国军司令部指导委员会开会 and reflects on student mental health and how it can leverage resources to support 学生的幸福.



By becoming a 杰德校区, the 北科罗拉多大学 is committed to enhancing its mental health, substance 滥用 and suicide prevention policies, systems and programs. 

杰德校区 is a signature program of The Jed Foundation (JED) that is designed to guide schools through a collaborative process of comprehensive systems, program, and policy development with customized support to build upon existing student mental health, 药物使用和自杀预防工作. UNC是 开始 on a strategic partnership with JED to create further positive, systemic change in 校园社区.


A commitment to the emotional wellbeing of our students

By joining the 杰德校区 program, the 北科罗拉多大学 is demonstrating a commitment to the emotional wellbeing and mental health of its students and the 整个校园社区. The 杰德校区 program takes a comprehensive, public health approach to promote emotional well-being and prevent suicide and serious substance 滥用.  

The programs and resources recommended through the JED programs have been developed with an equitable implementation lens that ensures that the needs of students who are potentially marginalized and/or underserved due to societal and structural inequities and school-specific community demographics are considered deliberately and intentionally. To promote student mental health equitably and effectively, and to reduce risk, schools must take care to learn about, understand, and plan for the needs of students whose mental health may be impacted by bias, racism, and marginalization.   

During the 2021-2022 academic year, we are collecting data through surveys, audits, 焦点小组. This self-assessment will help us to identify our campus strengths and areas of improvement in seven (7) areas identified by JED as key elements to mental 促进健康和预防自杀.


  • Collaborate with our 杰德校区 team to look for opportunities to enhance emotional 我们校园的健康和幸福. 
  • Complete the 杰德校区 self-assessment and conduct an in-depth, confidential Healthy 学生心理调查. 
  • Participate in a full-day campus visit with our 杰德校区 team to develop a strategic plan tailored to UNC’s individual needs that will serve as a roadmap to implement 在整个程序过程中的增强.  
  • Receive ongoing consultation, support, and guidance from our 杰德校区 Advisor.
  • Engage with the 杰德校区 学习社区 – a network of 杰德校区 schools - to share information on specific topics of interest that emerge from the community’s work with JED, as well as have access to an in-depth, online resource library. 



  • JED provides feedback report for Healthy Mind Study (HMS) results
  • JED校园参观
  • 团队和JED合作制定战略计划


  • UNC builds an interdisciplinary team, inclusive of senior leadership, to steer efforts 穿过校园
  • 管理健康心理研究
  • 团队完成JED校园基线自我评估 


  • JED provides ongoing assistance to support strategic plan
  • JED tracks and communicates team progress against strategic plan


  • 与全国其他JED校区合作
  • Receives access to professional development tools to strengthen work being done


  • JED and Team set future goals for growth, improvement, and sustainability


  • 管理第2批HMS
  • 完成post-assessment
  • JED provides executive summary of accomplishments and outcomes

小组委员会 & 工作小组


The 精神健康方面的公平 (EMH) sub-committee is guided by the EMH Framework proposed by the JED Foundation and Steve Fund, as well as the Rowing not Drifting 2030 plan's 致力于增强包容性. 我们的目标是发展和加强有效 approaches for promoting and supporting the emotional well-being and mental health of students of color, students with underrepresented and marginalized identities.

学生接触 & 订婚

学生外展 & 订婚 (SOE) sub-committee explores ways to increase student engagement, connectedness, 和归属感 via peer-to-peer programs, transitional supports (e.g., around matriculation), screening programs, outreach events, resources, and 教育.


The 心理健康培训 sub-committee is charged with reviewing existing mental health and substance use training programs for faculty, staff, and students and making 博天堂官方网站扩展和增强的建议. 培训的领域包括这两方面 看门人和心理健康急救培训(e).g.,何时以及如何进行推荐 to care) and substance use issues affecting students, including opioid overdose and 烯丙羟吗啡酮.

