

During LBGTQ+ History Month (celebrated in October), the Gender and Sexuality Resource Center (GSRC) at the 北科罗拉多大学 highlights historical figures 在LGBTQ+历史上. 在GSRC期间,每年都会有四个人物出现在海报上 彩虹旗运动. 了解更多博天堂官方网站这些特色人物下面.

你有什么历史人物想让我们重点介绍的吗? 电邮至 GSRC@cqkaisi.com with the subject line “Website Historical Figure Recommendation” to let us know more!

  • 威利忍者 



    that he helped move from the New York club scene of the 1980’s to the concert stage. 《博天堂官方》引起了《博天堂官方》导演珍妮·利文斯顿的注意,
    是谁在电影中突出了忍者的角色. 这部电影,既有评论界的,也有box界的
    作为《博天堂官方》的跳板. 他把自己的外表演得很好
    珍妮特·杰克逊专辑《博天堂官方》中的两段视频.他的遗产还在继续 as the House of Ninja members keep vouging alive and advocate on behalf of their Mother, 威利忍者,以提高人们对艾滋病的认识.

  • 阿梅里奥·罗伯斯Ávila 



    男人。. Robles' male identity was accepted by family, society, and the Mexican government, 罗伯斯从24岁到去世都是一个男人. In
    1970, the Mexican Secretary of National Defense recognized Robles as a veteran (veterano) 革命的故事. 在他生命的最后阶段,罗伯斯获得了各种各样的奖章 acknowledging distinguished military service: a decoration as a veteran of the Mexican Revolution, and the Mexican Legion of Honor; in 1973 or 1974, Robles was also decorated 获得革命功勋奖(Medalla al msamrito revolutionario).

  • Chavela Vargas

    Chavela Vargas


    Born Isabel Vargas Lizano in Costa Rica, Vargas ran away to Mexico City in her early 十几岁的孩子开始在街上唱歌. 到20世纪50年代,她已成为……的宠儿 the city’s thriving bohemian club scene, where she challenged mainstream Mexican morals by dressing in men’s clothing while she sang songs intended for men to woo women with 不可思议的激情——而且拒绝改变代词. 她最终录制了更多 超过80张专辑. 巴尔加斯非常 successful during the 1950s, the 1960s, and the first half of the 1970s, touring in 墨西哥,美国,法国和西班牙.

  • 洛林·薇薇安·汉斯伯里



    洛林是第一位拥有戏剧的非裔美国女性作家 在百老汇演出. 她最出名的是她的戏剧 太阳下的葡萄干,描绘了生活在芝加哥种族隔离制度下的美国黑人. 这是 题目取自兰斯顿·休斯的诗《博天堂官方》,一个被推迟的梦想会发生什么? 做 它像太阳下的葡萄干一样干了?29岁时,她赢得了纽约戏剧评论家圈奖 获奖,成为第一位非裔美国剧作家,第五位女性,以及 最年轻的获奖剧作家. Hansberry死后,她的丈夫Robert Nemiroff捐了钱 她的个人和专业物品捐给了纽约公共图书馆.
    He restricted access to the lesbian-themed correspondence, diaries, unpublished 男人。uscripts, 还有大量的同性恋杂志. 内米洛夫死后二十多年, 他的遗嘱执行人向学者们公开了这些受限制的材料.

  • Storme DeLaverie

    Storme DeLaverie

    Stormé DeLarverie is nicknamed as the “Guardian of Lesbians in the Village” for her 做一名志愿街道巡警. 她被认为是一个混血男同性恋者 还在很多女同性恋酒吧当过保镖. 她与石墙运动密切相关 在退伍军人协会任职,多年来担任过许多领导职务.

  • Ceyenne朵罗修


    Ceyenne朵罗修是一位黑人跨性别活动家和作家. 2015年,Doroshow创立了G.L.I.T.S., an organization which helps black trans people to find affordable housing and healthcare. 多萝西也是性工作者权益倡导者中的杰出人物. 朵罗修不断 works to providing safe spaces for trans individuals looking for support in several 他们生活的方方面面.

  • Erestine Eckstein

    Erestine Eckstein

    埃克斯坦(Ernestine Eckstein)是第一个争取女同性恋公民权利和政治权利的领导人 被称为胆囊炎女儿的组织,领导着纽约分会. Eckstein 是1970年黑人女权运动的早期积极分子吗. 她观看了这场打斗 民权和LGBTQ+权利是紧密相连的.

  • 芭芭拉Gittings


    1932 - 2007
    芭芭拉Gittings was a gay rights activist who started the first lesbian civil rights 在美国的组织:胆囊炎的女儿(DOB). 举办公开活动 争取同性恋权利和平等的游行和示威. 赠品也有助于促进 gay literature by working with the Gay Task Force of the American 图书馆 Association

  • 格里芬-格雷西少校(“少校小姐”或“少校”)


    Miss 主要Griffin-Gracy, often referred to as Miss Major or Major, is a black transgender, genderqueer wo男人。, social activist, and community leader, who participated in the 1969年,纽约发生石墙骚乱. 梅杰小姐花了40多年的时间 her life working on a variety of causes for marginalized groups including those related 对有色人种的变性女性. 她自己的监禁经历给了她灵感 to advocate for those subjected to heteronormativity and racism within the prison 体制和流落街头. 对她来说,一段影响深远的经历发生在 the Attica State Prison in New York during a four day uprising in September 1971 which inspired her to help other trans women, especially trans women of color, by making 当然,他们没有受到她所忍受的同样的待遇. 她还扮演了 major activist role during the AIDS crisis as a part of a number of HIV/AIDS organizations. This then lead to her serving as one of the first Executive Directors of the Transgender 性别差异双性人正义计划(TGIJP). 最近,梅杰小姐搬家了 to Little Rock, Arkansas to start the Griffin-Gracy Historical Retreat and Educational Center. 它被亲切地称为GG之家,是作为一个安全的房子建造的 对于跨性别群体.

  • 玛莎P. (《博天堂官方网站》)约翰逊


    1945年8月24日- 1992年7月6日
    Marsha, a black transgender wo男人。, self-identified drag queen, activist, and LGBTQ revolutionary, was a key figure in the LGBTQ+ rights 运动 in the United States. 她被认为是1969年石墙暴动的先锋. 和她的同伴一起 activist 西尔维娅里维拉, Marsha established STAR (the Street Transvestite, now Transgender, Action Revolutionaries) a group that supports homeless transgender youth in NYC, Chicago, 加利福尼亚和英格兰. 玛莎是纽约LGBTQ+和艺术界的热门人物 scenes, and had modeled for artists such as Andy Warhol and performed on stage with 热桃子,一个变装表演剧团. 玛莎被称为“克里斯托弗市长” 和“同性恋生活的圣人”. 作为一名倡导者,她参与了同性恋解放运动 前线和艾滋病联盟释放力量(ACT UP). 她不幸被谋杀了 1992年7月6日,时年46岁. 尽管1992年她的死被判定为自杀, in 2012 through the work of the New York City Anti-Violence Project and transgender 活动家玛丽亚·洛佩兹,她的案件被重新审理.

  • 罗尔蒂


    奥德丽·洛德对女权主义理论,酷儿理论, 批判种族理论. 她的作品吸引了数百万人, 例如她的作品《博天堂官方网站》和《博天堂官方》.“是的。 她自称是“黑人、女同性恋、女权主义者、母亲、诗人和战士”.”

  • Ifti Nasim

    Ifti Nasim

    1946 - 2011
    Ifti Nasim was a gay poet from Pakistan who wrote “Nar男人。,” the first book to appear 在乌尔都语中公开表达同性恋. 纳西姆逃到美国以躲避 巴基斯坦的迫害. 在美国,纳西姆与人共同创立了Sangat集团 为南亚酷儿青年服务.

  • 西蒙Nkoli 


    1957 - 1998
    Simon Nkloi was a gay activist and an aids activist who fought against the apartheid 在南非. 他帮助成立了南非同性恋协会(GASA) 金山男女同性恋组织(GLOW). 恩科利帮助铺平了道路 南非酷儿权利之路.

  • 西尔维娅里维拉


    1951年7月2日- 2002年2月19日
    西尔维娅里维拉, was a transgender American wo男人。, LGBT liberation activist, and self-identified drag queen of Puerto Rican and Venezuelan descent, born and raised in New York City. She was orphaned at three years old and homeless by the time she was eleven, giving her personal insight into the experiences of 男人。y LGBTQ+ youth whom she referred to 作为“她的孩子”. 她是美国LGBTQ+权利运动的关键人物 States, earning a fierce reputation and eventual respect by the early 1960’s, further 她出现在石墙暴动的前线更是巩固了这一点. 与玛莎 P. 约翰逊,她成立了STAR(街头异装癖者,现在是变性人,行动) Revolutionaries) a group that supports homeless transgender youth in NYC, Chicago, 加利福尼亚和英格兰. 她是无家可归的酷儿和变性人的热心拥护者 youth and criticized the gay liberation 运动 for their transphobia and for ignoring LGBTQ+个体在监狱中的恶劣待遇. 西尔维娅于2002年因肝病去世 癌症并发症. 她被描述为现代跨性别者中的罗莎·帕克斯 运动.

  • 拜亚特。


    1912年3月17日- 1987年8月24日
    拜亚特。 was a black American 男人。 who was a successful organizer for civil rights, socialism, nonviolence, and gay rights in the United States before the gay liberation 运动. 贝亚德是非暴力的,是早期民权运动的重要组成部分 Rights Movement, in particular organizing a 1947 Freedom Ride to challenge racial 州际公交实行种族隔离. 贝亚德提倡非暴力的做法 resistance and the philosophy of nonviolence, originating from his work with Mahatma Gandhi’s liberation 运动 in India, and is attributed with introducing the philosophy 致马丁·路德·金. 因为他公开的同性恋身份和之前的同伙 of the Communist Party, Bayard was rarely a public spokesperson in the Civil Rights or gay rights 运动s, and instead functioned as an effective behind the scenes 民权领袖的顾问. 所有这些都是在同性恋恐惧症被 white supremacists and fellow activists who used his open sexuality in order to discredit 他. 11月,贝亚德被追授总统自由勋章 2013年2月20日,时任总统奥巴马.

  • 杰基谢恩


    1940 - 2019
    杰基谢恩 was a transgender soul singer from Nashville, Tennessee who built a large 在美国和加拿大的观众. 2019年,谢恩的专辑《 不管怎样, 获得格莱美最佳历史专辑奖.